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Hat-shaped cake: the perfect combination of creative baking and sweetness

Hat, as a symbol of fashion and personality, has always played an important role in people's daily life. And when the hat meets the sweet cake, what sparks will collide? Today, we will come together to explore the charm of hat modeling cake, showing you the infinite possibilities of creative baking.

I. Inspiration
The inspiration of hat-shaped cake comes from fashion and art. Designers have skillfully integrated the unique hat shape into the cake design, which not only gives the cake a unique artistic beauty, but also fully demonstrates the creativity and charm of baking. This unique dessert allows people to feel the blend of fashion and art while savoring the food.
II. Production Techniques
Tool preparation
To make hat-shaped cake, you need to prepare professional baking tools, such as round cake molds, spatulas, frosting guns and so on. In addition, in order to better shape the details of the hat, you also need to prepare chocolate, cream and other materials.

Production Steps
(1) Make the cake base layer: first of all, we need to bake a round cake as the base layer. Mix and stir the prepared cake mix, eggs, milk and other ingredients, pour them into a round cake mold and bake it in a preheated oven.
(2) Make the hat part: while baking the bottom layer of the cake, we can start making the hat part. Heat the right amount of cream and chocolate to make chocolate sauce. Take the right amount of chocolate sauce and spread it evenly on the cake base layer as the base of the hat.
(3) DECORATE HAT DETAILS: Use the frosting gun and frosting to decorate the details on the hat. You can choose your favorite color and pattern to decorate the hat to show creativity and personality.
(4) Complete the look: Finally, add fruit, candy or other favorite decorations to the cake to complete the look. A fashionable and delicious hat modeling cake is finished!

III. Unique Features
Unlimited creativity: hat modeling cake fully demonstrates the creativity and personality of baking. Everyone can design a unique hat shape according to their own preferences, making each cake a work of art.
Healthy and delicious: Hat-shaped cakes are made with high-quality ingredients, such as whipped cream, chocolate and so on. These ingredients are not only healthy and nutritious, but also ensure the delicious taste of the cake.